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Tiny Tots Classes

All Tiny Tot classes are recreational classes that meet once a week for 30 minutes. Dance for ages 2-6 has been proven to increase spatial awareness, confidence, cognitive development, creativity, health, and social skills! Dancers put what they learned together in a recital at the end of the season! 

Dance With Me
(Ages 6 and under)
Saturdays 9-9:30

This class is a "fundamentals of dance" class. Teaching musicality, technique, and rhythm to young dancers helps ensure they have the skills they need for any style they choose. This class curriculum is meant to be done with a parent or guardian, creating an interactive bonding experience for the child and adult. 

You should try this class if:  

  1. You are unsure what style of dance you will like. 

  2. You want your dancer to have a smooth transition into dance classes.

  3. Your dancer likes multiple styles of dance.

Acro Class
Thursdays 4-4:40

This class is a "fundamentals of acro" and "fundamentals of ballet" class. Teaching flexibility, technique, and spacial awareness to young dancers helps ensure they have the skills they need for learning acro tricks and tumbling.  Teaching technique and vocabulary to young dancers helps ensure they have the skills they need for learning proper ballet technique. 

You should try this class if:  

  1. Your dancer twirls around the house! 

  2. You want to get them started in a technique based class. 

  3. They enjoy "ballerina" dancing!

You should try this class if:  

  1. Your dancer enjoys flipping, rolling, and stretching.

  2. Your dancer wants to learn tricks and skills. 

  3. You are looking for a class that has hands-on teaching. 

Hip Hop/Jazz Class
Thursdays 4:40-5:00

This class is a fun, upbeat, and engaging class! Teaching musicality, isolations, and spacial awareness to young dancers helps ensure they have the skills they need for all styles of Hip Hop. 

You should try this class if:  

  1. Your dancer is highly energetic! 

  2. Your dancer has a large personality.

  3. You want to try a new dance class!

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